Sunday, October 4, 2020

Hot springs, Paprika and a history of oppression

 Budapest, Hungry is a beautiful city, one of my favorites to visit and I am looking forward to a return trip in Fall of 2021. 

Budapest is a city divided by the lovely Danube River. 

Budapest began when an early Celtic settlement transformed into the Roman town of Aquincum. In the 9th century, the Hungarians arrived in the area but were pillaged by the Mongols in 1241. 

Buda, on one side of the Danube River, became one of the centers of the Renaissace humanist culture by the 15th centery. 

In 1536, the Ottomans took over and ruled for about the next 150 years. 

After the reconquest of Buda in 1686, the region entered a new age of prosperity, with Pest-Buda becoming a global city after the unification of Buda, Obuda and Pest in 1873. The name 'Budapest' was given to the new capital. 

Budapest also became the co-capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918 when it was dissolved after WWI. 

It was the focal point of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 and 1956.

During WWII, Hungary was occupied by Nazi Germany. In 1944, many parts of Budapest were destroyed by bombs from both the United States and Russia. After the end of WWII, the Soviet Union began it's occupation of the country after ousting Germany. This occupation ended in 1991. 

Rich in history, there are many things to explore, see and do here. The city has been re-built, including the famous Chain Bridge. Completely destroyed by the retreating Nazi Army, the Chain bridge rebuild was completed in 1964 and was able to  use the original stone lions in the renovation. 

One of my favorite things to do in Budapest, is to take part in the local bath culture. Geothermal springs abound in Hungry and the Hungarians take full advantage of the perk. Spa Baths are found all over the country. I suggest you take at least a half day and indulge for yourself.  The spas have a number of different pools with varying degrees of temperature and a combination of salt or fresh water. Typically there are over 300 pools, inside and outside. The architecture alone is well worth the visit. 

Another must do item is a stop at the Great Market Hall. This building houses offerings of all kinds of Hungarian Paprika, lovely food and confectionary and all types of goods to take home as a remembrance of your trip to this vibrant city. 

Please contact me for information about joining my tour group in September 2021. This is a trip you won't want to miss. 

Where will YOU go? The World is waiting!

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